
Thank you for reporting bugs and sending us feedback. Your input is greatly appreciated!

If something isn't working, feels overpowered, buggy or needs improvement, please send us feedback or a bug report.

- Tempest Stage 2 Update

- Fixed Increased Heal Power not working
- Improved Blindness Immunity and Nausea Immunity to remove the existing bad effect on equip
- Improved Gravity Resistance to counter any level of Levitation
- Fixed polymorphed fish players being bucketable
- Fixed Explosion Webbing not applying to armors

- Fixed a number of spells not activating due to recent spell system changes
- Changed Force Field to not affect the caster
- Added a guaranteed 1 Chaos Key award to the Labyrinth event escape
- Nerfed Blood Walker to grant blood souls once every few absorbed blocks at full health, instead of each one
- Changed Stability Field to also protect from the Railgun's destruction aspect
- Increased Railgun damage a little bit
- Added a short cooldown to Elder Branch to prevent FPS lag in some cases
- Extended the duration of Elder Branch skeletons a little bit
- Added a limit to the number of Vampire Strike targets
- Decreased the duration of healing homing blood
- Changed Dimension Steed and Astral Hook to apply a cooldown to Skeleton on Teleport

- Tempest update

- Changed Jump Rod to not count as a spell in claims
- Changed Chorus fruit to count as a spell in claims
- Fixed the claim barrier not protecting from outside piston action at some angles

- Fixed Parrot Form being killable in chill spawn
- Fixed turtles not laying eggs in claims
- Fixed untrusted human visitors being able to trample turtle eggs in claims
- Fixed Halloween 2018 TP aura not being part of the aura key
- Improved the land claim barrier to allow crossing from within while the barrier is visible
- Changed Fatal Strike to activate on full swing
- Fixed some spells being castable in claims with spells off
- Fixed Throwing Dagger items being unsharpenable in most cases
- Fixed long levitation potion effect carrying over cross-server teleports while the levitation spell is active
- Fixed withers being able to enter claims
- Fixed falling blocks placing themselves in claims when they originate outside of them

- Fixed some projectile effects disregarding cooldowns on repeated collisions
- Fixed untrusted visitors being able to summon mobs in claims using some effects

- Fixed untrusted visitors being able to fill claims with chickens
- Fixed damage boost from bandit's set incorrectly applying twice
- Added /chillspawn command
- Changed the Cripple essence to scale its Weakness effect with essence level
- Added an option to lock/unlock furnaces and such to untrusted visitors in claims
- Fixed arrows with effects getting stuck on heads in chill spawn
- Fixed Proximity Blind remaining after disconnect
- Reworked Wither, Poison and Nausea effects to have a smaller initial duration that stacks on each hit
- Fixed Spongebob essence not drying waterlogged blocks
- Fixed dimensional anomaly snatching overhead chat messages
- Fixed dimensional anomaly interfering with cross-world teleportation upon spawn event entry
- Fixed dimensional anomaly intercepting the polymorph effect on humans
- Reduced Sonic Slash damage multipliers for centered and side damage hits

- Fixed Blessed Snow not stopping extremely fast projectiles.
- Blessed Snow is now a stationary effect.
- Open parties can now go through portals without breaking the party.
- Claims public ranch flag is now also responsible for allowing dyeing/renaming of animals.
- Claims chest lock flag will also protect jukeboxes now.
- Fixed untrusted visitors being able to create nether portals in claims.
- Fixed untrusted visitors being able to interact with candles in claims.
- Fixed untrusted visitors being able to interact with flower pots in claims.
- Fixed untrusted hoofer sticks changing armor stand poses in claims.

- Beefed up the Beef Event rewards slightly.
- Fixed Beef Event issue where extra beef dropped onto a mushroom cow granted additional beef.
- Buffed global magic damage by 30%
- Anti mage essence now gives 10% magic resistance per level instead of 20%
- Arrow strike now does 1 damage per arrow instead of 5.
- Added an option to control skulk spread in claims.
- Fixed untrusted players being able to use bonemeal in claims.
- Fixed untrusted players being able to change sign color in claims.
- Fixed anvils and similar inventories interacting incorrectly with item guard.

- Fixed a bug that caused effects to persist longer than intended after exiting a vehicle.
- Spawners are no longer affected by infinity blocks.
- Fixed item frames breaking in claimed land when touched by a vehicle.
- Fixed hopper minecarts bypassing claimed land barriers when pushed by pistons.

- Fixed more cursed parrot X aegis interactions.

- Fixed voting not giving rewards if player name had mismatched capitalization.
- Fixed offline users reserving nicknames incorrectly.

- Increased global boss monster loot drops by 100%, which stacks multiplicatively with the open party multiplier.

- Increased global wild chest loot drops by 400%
- Unclaimed mail will now send a sound & text notification reminder about /claim items if any remain.
- Ender chests now always drop when destroyed.
- Ender chests can now be destroyed instantly using any tool or hands.
- Changed the party loot bonus range to 80 blocks in all directions around boss monsters.
- Fixed Stability Field not working, now properly prevents most explosion block destruction around the player.
- Fixed Glam, you can once again show your beautiful skin to the world!
- Fixed some throwable items not working (shovels, hoes, etc)

- Fixed ItemGuard replacing the first slot when no other slots were available to keep the item from being dropped. ItemGuard will now make a much better attempt to find an empty slot for any item being dropped, and will also resort to sending the item to your /claim if no slots are available.

- Fixed arrows getting stuck on head, causing FPS/server lag in some cases.
- Fixed more cursed chain shot interactions causing FPS/server lag.
- Fixed absorption essence not working correctly.
- Fixed issue preventing new players from participating in events.
- Fixed labyrinth rooms being made out of the wrong material rarely, getting people stuck (ie half doors, glass panes, gates).

- Fixed Flame of Satan TP Aura cookie not working when consumed. All cookies previously consumed should be in your /aura selection.

- Fixed tridents hitting blessed snow causing FPS/server lag.
- Fixed minecarts being indestructible by environment (lava/fire/cactus etc) when in claimed land (to help with item sorters).

- Fixed player login bug, in some cases making a player invisible/immortal.
- Reduced poison maximum duration.

- New claim flag to allow untrusted visitors to farm your animals. The owner can always farm animals in their claim.
- New spawn regen

- Fixed cursed fireball interactions with chainshot.
- Slightly nerfed untouchable.
- Blackhole now collides explosives into more powerful explosives.
- Fixed blackhole x fireball interactions causing fps/server lag.
- Fixed fps/server lag caused by arrows being stuck on top of aegis shield.
- Fixed killer bunnies not being killable in claimed land.

- Party % bonus drops now work as long as anyone is around; no need for everyone to hit the boss.
- Fixed an issue where using any teleporting spell or item in a one-person party would cause you to leave the party.

- Sharpening anvil no longer destroys the item upon failure, reduces sharpness and consumes materials needed to sharpen the weapon.

- Fixed an issue where sharpening anvil would remove Kill Counter.

- Fixed cursed issue with Ender Pearl Dispenser.

- Removed some players stuck in ghost clans. A full clans rewrite is planned soon™. Meanwhile, if you're stuck in a ghost clan, please fill out a bug report. We're also accepting new ideas for features related to the clans rewrite.

- Fixed parrot form immortality glitch.

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